
The Elite model has a total of three 120mm LED fans. The first is mounted at the front of the case before the HDD cage. It has a 3-pin motherboard connector and is meant to be connected to the LCD display to maintain control as well as monitor the performance of the fan. In fact, the second 120mm fan mounted at the back also has this ability.

Nemesis Elite

Nemesis Elite

The third 120mm fan in the Elite model is mounted on the case's left side panel as an intake over the CPU as we mentioned earlier.

The steel model also has an LED fan mounted on the left side panel, but only one more 120mm fan mounted at the back of the case, which is a standard-type fan (not LED). We do have the option of mounting a third fan at the front, but one is not included with the steel package. We predict that our Seagate drive will run slightly warmer in the steel model because of the lack of the third fan at the front.


Looking at the structure of the HDD cage also shows how air will flow through the 3/4" holes and around each drive mounted to cool them effectively. The air then flows back and up through the exhaust fan mounted at the back of the case. The side-mounted fan also takes in air and blows it at the area where the memory and CPU usually sit.

Nemesis PSU

Each model also came with a 400W power supply. The units were not really the highest of quality, but for beginners, they should do the job.

Internal Design of Nemesis Elite (Aluminum) Model Construction
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  • semo - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    thanks Anand.
    to all ppl that keep saying "who buys these cases", well go back and read #7. i say keep reviewing these monstrosities (someone buys them) but then review 10 normal/enthusiast/any-no-gimmick cases.
  • piroroadkill - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    The worst bit is this case isn't all that bad, they just had to piss all over it by putting an ugly front on it... I don't get why any manufacturer would do that...
  • ElFenix - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    thanks anand!
  • danidentity - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    That is the ugliest POS I have ever seen. I stopped reading the second I saw the picture on the first page. Does anyone actually buy these things?
  • Locut0s - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    Thanks Anand!
  • Operandi - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    Optimus Prime called....

    He wants his body armor back.
  • Dualboy24 - Saturday, February 5, 2005 - link

    Can you do nice case designs in the future... I would love to see reviews on more Lianli and antec cases... also what these two manufactures have in the budget line (-$100 cases)

    I think alof of people find these cases ugly... but Its nice that manufactures do make unique designs at least it keeps things fresh.
  • hoppa - Saturday, February 5, 2005 - link

    thank you for that, anand! i'm yet another that is sick of ugly, loud cases.
  • Rand - Saturday, February 5, 2005 - link

    You know, it's odd... but I think the 3 nicest looking cases I've seen reviewed on AT were all priced under $30.
    I'm not sure whether that makes me really cheap, or the fancier cases horrendously misdesigned.

    "but I'd rather review nothing than do any more of these."

    You know your get crappy parts for review when when you'd rather review nothing. :)
  • Gatak - Saturday, February 5, 2005 - link

    #13 and others...

    Will you buy and send a case that you like to see to AnanTech for review?

    If not, then how do you think they will ever be reviewed?

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