Final Words

I really like the Nexus 7. It’s easily the best small Android tablet I’ve ever used. The build quality is great, the display is amazing and the hardware is fast. The new Nexus 7 also happens to be the most color accurate Android device we've ever tested - easily competitive with the iPad's Retina Display, and delivers the longest battery life we've ever seen from an Android tablet. You also get the benefits of owning a Nexus device: timely updates and unadulterated Android. My only real complaint about the Nexus 7 is that its screen feels cramped. If you’ve got a large smartphone, the jump between it and the 7-inch display may not be big enough. On the flip side, the 7-inch form factor does make the Nexus 7 quite portable. If you’re ok with the tradeoff, then I have no qualms recommending the Nexus 7 over other 8-inch tablets. 

I typically find myself at odds with what a manufacturer wants to charge for a product, but in the case of the Nexus 7 that’s not true at all. At $229 the base 16GB model is extremely well priced. The adder for the 32GB model is a somewhat reasonable $40. If your Nexus 7 is going to be more of a mobile workhorse, you’ll eventually be able to get a LTE model for $349.

The original Nexus 7 gave us a decent Android experience at a very low cost. This year ASUS and Google raised the bar for sure. The new Nexus 7 is no longer just a decent tablet at a good price, it's an incredible tablet. With this Nexus, it's clear that Google no longer wants to rely on value alone. The 2013 Nexus 7 redefines what you should expect to pay for a truly great tablet. If you're in the market for an ultra portable tablet, and definitely if you're shopping for an Android tablet in particular, the new Nexus 7 should be at the top of your list. It's so good that I'm giving it our Silver Award.

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  • jl0329 - Wednesday, October 9, 2013 - link

    Your idiocy made my laugh out loud. You are truly clueless, aren't you?
  • bznotins - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - link

    Is this new version polarized? The 2012 Nexus 7 was on the horizontal axis, precluding from me using it in that orientation as a nav device with my (also polarized) sunglasses on. Looks like a great tablet though.
  • OzedStarfish - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - link

    Yes it is, for my unit it is almost entirely blocked when in landscape unfortunately.
  • amdwilliam1985 - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - link

    Good read, this is one of the very few article that actually praises on the new Nexus 7's battery life :)
  • max1001 - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - link

    I was expecting Gold since the review was all praises. lol.
  • ikjadoon - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - link

    If Anandtech compared this to all other 7" Android tablets, it'd be a gold. But, he might be taking the bigger picture: for myself, 7" is just too small, as well.

    It's portable, though, and for some people, that's more important.
  • Impulses - Friday, August 23, 2013 - link

    I'd prefer 8.9"... But until there's a Nexus 8 I'd rather deal with the size than any of the shortcomings on other current tablets.
  • max1001 - Friday, August 23, 2013 - link

    I think it's better to have both. I have a 7" and a 9". Nexus 7 easily fit in my coat inner pocket and I can bring it with me everywhere. It's also a lot easier to handle on the subway. I can grip it by the side with 1 hand and not worry about dropping it. I user the 9" to watch Netflix and web browse when I am at home.
  • mmarafie - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - link

    I remember the old days when anandtech was the best tech site for reading awesome, detailed, and unbiased reviews. It seems those days are long gone, the more I read the reviews here (especially by Anand) the more I realize the site has become basically an advertising and marketing place for Apple. There are so many tell-tale signs in this review and others where its quite obvious..
  • DukeN - Thursday, August 22, 2013 - link


    I automatically ignore Apple/iOS mentions and figure out my own comparisons to the rest.

    Anand, perhaps this can be a feature for you.

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