BeOS Review

by Anand Lal Shimpi on March 20, 1998 2:55 PM EST
Playing with the OS
Now it's time to discuss all the quaint little goodies that come pre-packed with the BeOS. Naturally you have the basics which are found in just about any OS, a notepad style text editor (Styled Edit), a clock, and an audio player (CD Player & Simple Midi). You also have the more "advanced" Internet-Ready features of the BeOS such as an eMail (BeMail) client, a simple Web Browser (Net Positive), and a terminal like dial-up application. In addition to those two categories, Be chose to include a few of their own interesting utilities, the extremely useful Expander Application makes decompressing archives a simple task from the GUI (Expander looks and works just like Stuff-it Expander for the PC/Macintosh). Also included is an icon image editor, an image viewer, a disk probe, a CPU monitor, and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Be platform by Metrowerks (Codewarrior for the BeOS).

appsmenu_sm.gif (4010 bytes)
Apps Menu - Click to Enlarge

BeOS Applications - Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

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Net Positive

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CD Player

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Icon Editor

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

All of the above applications are pretty much standard as far as operation and usability goes, nothing too incredibly special there (except for maybe the magnify application that allows you to magnify any portion of your screen by a set factor). In lieu of this, Be included another menu in the BeOS Deskbar rightfully titled, 'Demos.' As you can probably guess, the applications and games listed under this category are meant to demonstrate the features of the OS, and do they ever. Below are some of the demos included with the BeOS:

BeOS Demos - Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge
3D Cube

Click to Enlarge

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Font Demo

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Click to Enlarge

The BeOS couldn't completely get away from its Unix roots, the Terminal application included with the OS is essentially a Unix prompt. It allows you to switch among drives, directories, perform gzip and other such decompressions, you can change access permissions to files (chmod) and even execute old DOS commands provided you have M-Tools installed which happens to be included on the BeOS CD-ROM. The BeOS Terminal is a very powerful application

BeOS Terminal - Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge
Look Familiar?

terminal-chmod.gif (380 bytes)
Those good ol' Unix Commands are back!

Click to Enlarge
Even some of your beloved MSDOS commands will work

Configuring the OS Conclusion
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