Performance and Sound Quality

The signal to noise ratio of the D’Music is 90dB, which represents that the clarity of the audio output is close to that of a CD player which has a signal to noise ratio in the range of 95dB.  In assessing the audio playback quality of the D’Music, MP3 files of bitrates ranging from 32kbps to 192kbps were used including a wide variety of music from many genres including rap, rock, classic rock, pop, and alternative.  The quality of the equalizer presets was also tested.

The audio playback quality of the D’Music player was superior to the Best Data CABO MP3 player we reviewed earlier, almost mirroring CD quality sound.  During audio playback, there was no hiss or any distortion in any of the songs tested, regardless of bitrate, level of volume, and genre of music.  The D’Music produced exceptional bass and treble output for all the songs tested.  The equalizer presets (pop, classic, jazz, and ex-bass) did a great job of adding to the overall audio playback quality in all bitrates and genres of music tested.  The pop preset exhibited high treble and low bass.  In the classic preset, the treble and bass levels were increased uniformly, producing richer sound quality.  The jazz preset has an increased level of treble as compared to the pop preset.  The ex-bass preset offers higher bass to accommodate music with heavy bass lines such as rap.  The ex-bass preset definitely increased the bass output of such music and did so without losing any audio clarity during playback.

The audio performance of the D’Music player was also tested to compare the playback quality of the D’Music versus that of a PC.  Winamp was used as the MP3 player for the PC.  The audio performance of the D’Music mirrored the performance of the PC for MP3 files at bitrates of 128kbps and below.  The bass and treble output of songs above 128kbps on the D’Music was slightly less than that of the PC, but for the most part, the difference is unnoticeable.  However, storing files above 128kbps utilizes more memory, thus you will have less space for music.  Overall, the audio playback quality of the D’Music is great.

Installation and General Usage Final Words
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