Section by Gavin Bonshor

X570 Motherboards: PCIe 4.0 For Everybody

One of the biggest additions to AMD's AM4 socket is the introduction of the PCIe 4.0 interface. The new generation of X570 motherboards marks the first consumer motherboard chipset to feature PCIe 4.0 natively, which looks to offer users looking for even faster storage, and potentially better bandwidth for next-generation graphics cards over previous iterations of the current GPU architecture. We know that the Zen 2 processors have implemented the new TSMC 7nm manufacturing process with double the L3 cache compared with Zen 1. This new centrally focused IO chiplet is there regardless of the core count and uses the Infinity Fabric interconnect; the AMD X570 chipset uses four PCIe 4.0 lanes to uplink and downlink to the CPU IO die.

Looking at a direct comparison between AMD's AM4 X series chipsets, the X570 chipset adds PCIe 4.0 lanes over the previous X470 and X370's reliance on PCIe 3.0. A big plus point to the new X570 chipset is more support for USB 3.1 Gen2 with AMD allowing motherboard manufacturers to play with 12 flexible PCIe 4.0 lanes and implement features how they wish. This includes 8 x PCIe 4.0 lanes, with two blocks of PCIe 4.0 x4 to play with which vendors can add SATA, PCIe 4.0 x1 slots, and even support for 3 x PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 slots.

AMD X570, X470 and X370 Chipset Comparison
Feature X570 X470 X370
PCIe Interface (to peripherals) 4.0 2.0 2.0
Max PCH PCIe Lanes 24 24 24
USB 3.1 Gen2 8 2 2
Max USB 3.1 (Gen2/Gen1) 8/4 2/6 2/6
DDR4 Support 3200 2933 2667
Max SATA Ports 8 8 8
PCIe GPU Config x16
Memory Channels (Dual) 2/2 2/2 2/2
Integrated 802.11ac WiFi MAC N N N
Chipset TDP 11W 4.8W 6.8W
Overclocking Support Y Y Y
XFR2/PB2 Support Y Y N

One of the biggest changes in the chipset is within its architecture. The X570 chipset is the first Ryzen chipset to be manufactured and designed in-house by AMD, with some helping ASMedia IP blocks, whereas previously with the X470 and X370 chipsets, ASMedia directly developed and produced it using a 55nm process. While going from X370 at 6.8 W TDP at maximum load, X470 was improved upon in terms of power consumption to a lower TDP of 4.8 W. For X570, this has increased massively to an 11 W TDP which causes most vendors to now require small active cooling of the new chip.

Another major change due to the increased power consumption of the X570 chipset when compared to X470 and X370 is the cooling required. All but one of the launched product stack features an actively cooled chipset heatsink which is needed due to the increased power draw when using PCIe 4.0 due to the more complex implementation requirements over PCIe 3.0. While it is expected AMD will work on improving the TDP on future generations when using PCIe 4.0, it's forced manufacturers to implement more premium and more effective ways of keeping componentry on X570 cooler.

This also stretches to the power delivery, as AMD announced that a 16-core desktop Ryzen 3950X processor is set to launch later on in the year, meaning motherboard manufacturers needed to implement the new power deliveries on the new X570 boards with requirements of the high-end chip in mind, with better heatsinks capable of keeping the 105 W TDP processors efficient.

Memory support has also been improved with a seemingly better IMC on the Ryzen 3000 line-up when compared against the Ryzen 2000 and 1000 series of processors. Some motherboard vendors are advertising speeds of up to DDR4-4400 which until X570, was unheard of. X570 also marks a jump up to DDR4-3200 up from DDR4-2933 on X470, and DDR4-2667 on X370. As we investigated in our Ryzen 7 Memory Scaling piece back in 2017, we found out that the Infinity Fabric Interconnect scales well with frequency, and it is something that we will be analyzing once we get the launch of X570 out of the way, and potentially allow motherboard vendors to work on their infant firmware for AMD's new 7nm silicon.

Memory Hierarchy Changes: Double L3, Faster Memory Benchmarking Setup: Windows 1903
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  • Ninjawithagun - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    Originally, I was going to wait for Zen 3, but I think I can consider buying a 3700X to 'get me by' until next year. No way am I buying a new X570 motherboard. Replaceing my 2700X with the 3700X is good enough until Zen 3 and new AM5 socket and new X670(?) chipset are released next year. Of course, the chipset name is hypothetical, so it's my best guess as to what AMD will call next year's new hardware ;-)
  • Ninjawithagun - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

  • haukionkannel - Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - link

    Am4 next year. Am5 two years from now...
  • Korguz - Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - link

    um.. we have AM4 now....
  • AntonErtl - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    Thanks for the review.

    Two things I would like to see (maybe in an update): ECC support (I expect that it's like for Ryzen 1XXX: unsupported, but works with Asrock and ASUS boards) and RAM capacity: Can you use 4 of Samsung's 32GB DIMMs for 128GB RAM?
  • The Average - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    This x570 motherboard states that it supports ECC so maybe it is indeed up to the motherboard vendors to support it.
  • phoenix_rizzen - Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - link

    ECC is supported in all Ryzen CPUs as it's part of the built-in memory controller. However, it's up to the motherboard makers to enable support for it in the RAM slots and BIOS and whatnot.

    If a motherboard claims support for Ryzen Pro, I believe that's a good indication it supports ECC. Otherwise, you have to dig around in the motherboard manual to find out.
  • UberHamburgler - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    This is quite impressive, as AMD engineers hinted last year in leaks that they feared Zen 2 would be server and mobile only design. TSMC's first generation 7nm process is heavily optimized for efficiency and they didn't expect it to scale well past 3.5 GHz. Intel better have its 10nm process in full swing by the end of the year, otherwise they're in for a beating when Rome and the mobile variant launch - it's no secret that chip manufacturers only care about desktop to the extent that they win good press from enthusiasts.

    On a side note. What are the potential gains from kernel optimizaions similar to what happened a few months after the original Ryzen, this seems to be a similar restructuring of the cache.
  • Irata - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    Cudos to you guys for re-running the benches.

    It's kinda sad that that AMD's releases seem like a "beta fest". While the products themselves are pretty good, issues with Bios or drivers often seem to be a let down.

    It must stink to put in all the work to bench a system just to have to re-do it again.

    Still, seeing how the results are already pretty good, I am hopeful that they will improve further after updates / patches.
  • poohbear - Monday, July 8, 2019 - link

    Why are the gaming benchmarks at only 720p and 1080p? Is this what most people game at these days? Most gaming benchmarks are 1080, 1440 and 4k. Oh the CPU doesn't have much affect above 1080 you say? Well good, PLEASE SHOW THAT. People need to know this when making CPU decisions. If AMD trounces Intel at everything office related, and @ 1440 & 4k there is no difference, then that will absolutely affect my buying decision. Why are you showing 720p when hardly anyone games at that rez?

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